Journey is a platform that serves three main purposes:

  • Accept data from various domains and sources, validate and store them in main database tables

  • Compile stored data based on various standards and feed them to the respective databases.

  • Serve as a client interface to disseminate data based on structured requests or structured reports

Section data domains describes all domains of data that Journey handles. As explained within data domains are categorized into structured and unstructured.

Section data submission describes the main methods of submitting structured domain data.

Section data validation describes the process of validating incoming data.

Section data uploading describes the process of processing and uploading processed incoming data to the database.

Section identifiers describes how to identify each uniquely identifiable kind of unit in Journey.

Στην ενότητα Μονάδες Παροχής Στοιχείων παρέχονται οι επωνυμίες καθώς και οι αναγνωριστικοί κωδικοί των ΜΠΣ.

Section What’s new? provides details of what changes in each released version of Journey.

Section Development provides details of how to contribute to Journey.