Uploading to Database#

The automatic generic steps Journey performs to upload incoming files submitted between the fixed time intervals described in validation are the following:

  • A temporary data-storage place is created to hold the processed incoming data.

  • A parser is chosen based on the data domain.

  • The incoming data are converted to the Journey database structured data. The structure of the database tables follows the structure of the data domain DBDat. The conversion steps are described in the parser section of each data domains.A parser is chosen depending on the domain of the incoming data and the data, the source of the data is determined and the incoming data are converted so that they satisfy the DBDat Data Model and the data are appended in a temporary storage where latest data received take precedence of earlier data received. The conversion process for each specific Data Domain is described in section Parsing under the specific Data Domain that are described in data domains.

  • A parser is chosen depending on the domain of the incoming data and the data, the source of the data is determined and the incoming data are converted so that they satisfy the DBDat Data Model and the data are appended in a temporary storage where latest data received take precedence of earlier data received. The conversion process for each specific Data Domain is described in section Parsing under the specific Data Domain that are described in data domains.

  1. The above incoming data that have been converted to the DBDat data model and that are placed in a temporarily storage area are aligned as described in alignment and are placed again in the same temporarily storage area.

  2. The processed incoming data are then compared to the database data and any new or changed data are loaded into the database. This process is described in database storage.